Video Games

The switch has been my go to console as of late. As with the rest of the world animal crossing caught me too. I was sucked in and put over 500+ hours into the game when I feel I should of used that time doing productive things but hey it was fun while I played. Now the game has been put down and I’ve been revisiting some of the older Indy games I bought.

I’ve played quite a few runs of Binding of Issac, Beholder (which the switch controls aggravate me sometimes but that’s just from lack of instructions on how they work.), Rogue Legacy, Streets of Rogue, and Enter the Gungeon.

All this video game playing has made me think if any of these were to be changed into a board game how would it be? Now Binding of Issac does have a board game, or card game I should say. It is….ok. I’m not a giant fan but love the theme. I feel it should be cooperative instead of competitive and wish it was less just hoping for a die roll than it was. What would I change? I have no idea. I’d probably just rebuild it from the ground up.

However, Beholder I think has promise as a card game. Something similar to this I’m thinking of actually making. I won’t have any story to it. It would be just you get random residents and need to keep them happy and make money through blackmailing and completing tasks. I have some ideas on how to do this but nothing concrete. Just some design ideas.

Now I have so many games on the back burner this won’t happen any time soon unless I come up with a way to make this work and can get a demo made up quickly.

As of right now my main focus is on Vermin Vendetta, and Gloop.


Preparing a Prototype


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